Spring means sex and Granta knows it.
Notes for an abandoned one act play, called Eros:
A man and woman sit side by side. The man is slightly older. She is writing on a yellow notepad. He is reading a large book.
Long silence.
Woman: This is what we’ll play. Finish this sentence…
Man: Okay.
He sets the book down in his lap.
W: (reading off her notepad) ‘The most erotic thing in the world is…’
M: You want me to answer?
W: Yes.
M: From there, ‘the most erotic thing is’? Really? (Pause) You’re not trying to tell me something?
W: No. I’m asking you.
M: Serious?
W: Serious. C’mon. Just finish this sentence.
He waits. Thinking. Looks down at his book, then at her. Then he picks up his book and slams it shut.
M: ‘The most erotic thing I can think of, I guess—if I had to say…’
W: ‘In the world.’
M: All right, the most erotic thing in the world is: (He shrugs.) The mouth.
W: The mouth?
M: Mouths…
He lets the sound of the word hang.
W: Whose?
M: (Decidedly now) Upturned, wanting. The desirous mouth. Lips, teeth—tongue. Most erotic.
W: (Unsure of this) Whose...?
M: Must be the mouth. For me it is, anyway. Yes, that pensive, hot, half-closed, delectable bud. Soft, swollen, kissable…You see?
She turns away, shaking her head.
M (cont'd): Why? What would should I have said?
She shrugs, goes back to her notepad, and begins crossing things out.
W: It wasn’t a test.
M: What? I was being honest. Give me some credit for originality, at least.
W: No, I just thought you might get beyond the anatomy and think of something more…than just a part.
M: It’s all parts, isn’t it? All our parts?
W: It’s so fucking obsessive. Really it is. You might as well just have said…
M: What?
She scowls at him.
M (cont'd): Oh, I could have.
W: You were practically describing one anyway. Some juicy woman’s in a magazine.
M: Well it would have to be a woman’s.
He smiles at her, waiting. Then she smiles back, upset that he’s got her laughing now.
W (pouting): I was just hoping for something else…
M: Like?
W: Like…(She sighs) Well something, I don’t know, more. Sunlight on hardwood floors, for instance, a lazy day with coffee and newspapers, and us walking around the flat half undressed…Making love on the floor in the midday sun.
M: Mmmm. Floor love. You see, now, don't you? This is precisely why I love the mouth. It's where these phrases come from. The locus.
W: I could punch your locus right about now.